Plant Milkweed Seeds to increase the number of Monarch Butterflies.

Milkweed plants have been disappearing as farmers have shifted to monocultures and the use of herbicides to keep weeds out, as well as habitat loss to buildings and roads. Monarch butterflies rely on this host plant for their larvae and the numbers of these butterflies have been declining due to many factors.

If you want to help ensure future generations, you can collect milkweed seeds for planting next year. The plant produces distinct seed pods which contain seeds with flossy material that helps wind disperse them.

Mature seeds should be brown and leathery, even though pods may still be green. If pods resist splitting, the seed is still immature. You can sow the seeds in the fall (they need a cold period to stimulate germination) or keep them cool and dry (garage, refrigerator) until next spring.

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