Alert! Will Not Refund Your Money for On-Line Purchases for some items. See attached example. Having bought an inexpensive tripod, after two uses, the one leg of the tripod would not retract so we took it back to the store for an exchange or refund. They refused.
They indicated we would have to contact the seller (wasn’t Walmart the seller), pay for shipping back to the seller for the refund. The shipping would cost more than the item. And, the small print says it have to be returned in exactly the same condition as we received it. Hence, if it brakes, is the wrong size or doesn’t fit for an item, you can’t return it. Plus, how can you get a tripod with a leg sticking out back in the box???
So, look for who the REAL seller is and realize that is who you are dealing with, NOT WALMART. In essence, Walmart is just advertisiing for sellers and taking a commission.