Sadly, there are three stores now in East Aurora that are not requiring masks for entry. Sad, because these folks want more hospital beds, but do not want masks or in some cases vaccines to prevent covid cases. Perhaps they should sign a document saying they want to be last on the list of entry into hospitals or ICU beds as well. Especially since WNY has a higher rate of covid than last year at this time.

These stores are Mambrino, Beulah’s General Store and Upstairs Treasures Gift Shop (who says it is hurting their business but probably doesn’t have much business to start with). Learn more.

Hopefully, these businesses will be fined the up to $1000 for the violation of the state mask mandate. They are promoting ignorance and endangering the lives of people who do want to live in our community.

We also recommend that people wear masks at the Carolcade and stay apart from each other.