Nick Langworthy confirms Pete Hegseth’s as Defense Secretary-Does He Really Represent You?
By BoredomMD Total Views : 136 Daily Views : 6Congressman Nick Langworth, who is supposed to represent us, confirmed Pete Hegseth’s as Defense Secretary. Pathetic. Trump intimidation at work.
So, this is the man from Fox News, Pete Hegseth, who is going to manage an $820 million dollar budget and 2,845, 386 employees including 1, 294,191 active duty military. Oh yeah, and he is going to quit drinking now…spare me.
Pete Hegseth-Beyond being an alcoholic and promising not to drink once confirmed (right…), and being another misogynist, he wants to use the military as a Christian spear with tattoos that read Deus Vult or God Wills it- a motto from the crusades that has been adopted by white supremacists and seen at the deadly march in Charlottesville, VA.
As for this drinking, his colleagues at Fox News- 10 current and former –said he smelled of alcohol before he went on the air at least on a dozen occasions and saying he was hungover. Even as of last month he was complaining about being hungover. This is the guy you want running the DEFENSE Department??
The New Yorker detailed concerns about Hegseth’s drinking at two jobs he held at nonprofit veterans’ groups before he joined Fox. “A previously undisclosed whistle-blower report on Hegseth’s tenure as the president of Concerned Veterans for America, from 2013 until 2016, describes him as being repeatedly intoxicated while acting in his official capacity — to the point of needing to be carried out of the organization’s events,” the magazine reported. He was forced out of a non-profit Veterans group in 2016 because of his alcohol abuse and sexist behavior. And, even his mother accused him of abusive misogyny and begged him to get some help.
The Hearing so Far
Hegseth- in 2017 was accused to sexual assault, said he was cleared bbut entered into a non-disclosure agreement with accuser AND he had just fathered a child two months before by a woman that was not his wife.
Pete Hegseth’s mother accused him of mistreating women for years and was an abuser of women. His ex-wife feared for her personal safety.
There were also questions about how he would treat women in the military–229,000-17.5% in 2022–and like his personal life, it does not appear that he respects women.