Government Spending Budget Agreement Due on March 14, 2025 or there will be a partial shutdown.

Here our latest take on the situation–Trump is now saying he won’t cut Medicaid, Medicare or Social Security. So, on March 14 when funding for the governemnt has to be reached or there will be a partial shutdown,  we think the GOP’s will increase the budget deficit to fund tax cuts for corporations and wealthy (49% goes to top 5%) without significant spending cuts. To date, DODGE has achieved $55 billion in cuts –a far cry from the $1.5 Trillion. Or, they will argue for weeks on end.

What a total MESS!!!

Learn More about shutdown

First, Social Security and Medicare are NOT affected. What is affected- federal workers furloughed – don’t get paid but when over get back pay – non postal- you will get mail ( in 2018-19- this affected 380,000 employees), National Parks, Air travel- last one TSA had to work without pay, EPA halts food inspections, etc.

Federal departmenst are affected by shutdowns-Homeland Security, Treasury, Agriculture, Interior, HUD, Justice, Commerce, Transporatation and State. And, historically shutdowns COST money, not save–in 2018-19, reduced GDP by $11 billion including $3 billion that will never be recovered. Source