Bird Kingdom is a five minute walk from Niagara Falls. There are 400 birds flying free in a tropical rainforest with a 40 foot waterfall. There is also a small bird aviary where over 40 species of smaller birds are located. Having gone, it is terrific- esp. big open area.

Besides birds, they have bearded dragons, ball python, African Tortoise,Boa constrictor, Brazilian cockroaches, Big spiders, corn snakes, Cuban Knight Anoles, bats, scorpions, Iguanas, toads, etc. See animals and birds photos.

Open 9am to 6:30pm

Tickets– Adults are $17.95 ($13.40 US), Kids 3-15 are $13.95 ($10.42 US), Kids under 3 are free.  . Seniors on Tuesdays 60+ get 50% off at the door.


Bird Kingdom - Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada