Cigar Smoker and Fly Fishing Clinic at Suncliff on the Lake on October 16-18, 2020. Learn to fly fish with 2020 Orvis Fly Fishing Guide of the Year Finalist, Alberto Rey. Registration is $535 without lodging to $750 with lodging.

Friday, October 16:  Activities kick-off with dinner and smoker.

Saturday, October 17: Includes presentations introducing participants to fly fishing with a full day of fly tying instruction. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner will be included.

Sunday, October 18: Includes a full day of instruction on the stream as we try to seduce steelhead using the flies you tied the previous day. A bag lunch on the stream and dinner at Suncliff is included.

The deadline for reservations is October 2, 2020.

Location: 6892  Lake Shore Road, Derby, NY