Deadlift Party at Fitness 19 on November 21, 2020 from Noon to 5pm at 722 Maple Road, Williamsville.  Tickets are $30 and spectators are free.

Flights will be broken up into groups of 13 lifters with a maximum of 2 spectators per lifter to ensure proper social distancing protocols.

For COVID protocols , we can only host a total of 26 competitors.

Judges will rate each deadlift as a pass or fail, with an attempt of 3 pulls per participants. Judges will also take care of the sanitizing of equipment and changing of plates to monitor proper sanitiation protocol.

  • Flight 1 Lifting time: 12:30-2pm
  • Flight 2 Lifting time: 2:30-4pm

*Masks are required to be worn at all times