FREE Throw Championship for girls and boys ages 9 to 14 on January 6, 2019 at the St. Alphonsus Knights of Columbus.Winners in each age group for both girls and boys will receive an official Knights of Columbus basketball and advance to the district competition. Register

1:30 pm – 6 openings for 9 year old girls
1:45 pm- 6 openings for 9 year old boys
2:00 pm – 6 openings for 10 year old girls
2:15 pm – 6 openings for 10 year old boys
2:30 pm – 6 openings for 11 year old girls
2:45 pm – 6 openings for 11 year old boys
3:00 pm – 6 openings for 12 year old girls
3:15 pm – 6 openings for 12 year old boys
3:30 pm- 6 openings for 13 year old girls
3:45 pm – 6 openings for 13 year old boys
4:00 pm – 6 openings for 14 year old girls
4:15 pm – 6 openings for 14 year old boys

Each contestant receives three warm-up tosses followed by 15 consecutive Free Throw attempts from the appropriate age-designated foul line. To break a tie, contestants take a second round of five free throws. No warm-up tosses are permitted for the tie-breaker rounds. Successive rounds of five free throws each continue until a winner emerges.


  • All children must be pre-registered in order to compete.
  • ONLY GYM SHOES are allowed in the gym, no marking shoes are permitted.
  • VIRTUS trained adults will be on staff to run the event
  • Snacks and Water will be available; no food or drink allowed on basketball court.