Honey Harvest Festival at Masterson’s  is September 28-29.Saturday – 9am to 5pm, Sunday 10am to 4pm. Features Honey Harvesting demos, Beeswax Rendering and Candle Making, mead and honey beer brewers and honey tasting.

Saturday, September 28th

10:00 am: “Beekeeping 101” with Erin Holko
Have you ever thought it might be fun to keep bees? If you’re reading this, then the answer is probably yes. And it IS fun to keep bees! Join Erin for a informal talk about getting into beekeeping as a hobby. She’ll cover the most frequently asked questions and prepare you for what you’re getting yourself into. Bonus: If you decide to commit to purchasing bees for next spring, you’ll get a discount this weekend!

11:00 am: “Starting a Beekeeping Business” with Dave Bennett
Dave Bennett is a relatively new beekeeper who will share his experiences in getting his apiary up and running on a budget. He was able to set up a creative campaign to help raise funds and get people excited about the venture. He has great advice on getting started in your own beekeeping adventure, and has ideas that will be inspiring to both new and seasoned beekeepers.

1:00 pm: “The Nature of Honeybees” with Dan Masterson
Dan knows lots of cool stuff about bees. In many of our classes we focus on the more practical side of beekeeping, but in this one Dan will share all sorts of information about how honeybees live in nature. Their complex and well-ordered societies have been studied for many years and we are still learning more about how they live. While this information is fascinating on it’s own, there are many lessons that beekeepers can take away from looking at bees in their natural habitat.

2:00 pm: “Gardening for the Caterpillars” with Dave O’Donnell, Eastern Monarch Butterfly Farm
Join local butterfly expert Dave O’Donnell as he discusses different plants that our important butterfly species need for their survival. He’ll cover not just nectar plants that the adults are attracted to, but also plants that are beneficial to the larvae of a variety of butterfly species. Don’t miss this opportunity if you want to create the best butterfly garden possible!

3:00 pm: “Making Mead” with Lilly Belle Meads
We’re lucky to have our friends from Lilly Belle back at the festival this year, and even luckier that they have offered to share some of their mead making knowledge with all of us! Learn about the long and fascinating history of this tasty beverage as well as practical information about how it is made. Don’t miss your opportunity to sample some of Lilly Belle’s awesome meads at their booth, and take some home to keep you warm this fall.

Sunday, September 29th

10:00 am: “Beekeeping 101” with Erin Holko
Have you ever thought it might be fun to keep bees? If you’re reading this, then the answer is probably yes. And it IS fun to keep bees! Join Erin for a informal talk about getting into beekeeping as a hobby. She’ll cover the most frequently asked questions and prepare you for what you’re getting yourself into. Bonus: If you decide to commit to purchasing bees for next spring, you’ll get a discount this weekend!

11:00 am: “Starting a Beekeeping Business” with Dave Bennett
Dave Bennett is a relatively new beekeeper who will share his experiences in getting his apiary up and running on a budget. He was able to set up a creative campaign to help raise funds and get people excited about the venture. He has great advice on getting started in your own beekeeping adventure, and has ideas that will be inspiring to both new and seasoned beekeepers.

12:00 pm: “Hive Products for Your Health” with Mike Masterson
Everyone knows honey is good for you, and Mike will certainly talk about that. What many people don’t know is that bee pollen and propolis are two other amazing products that can be harvested from the hive. Learn about the medicine of the hive and how you can use these natural remedies to treat a multitude of ailments and promote better health. You’ll probably get a free honey sample, too!

1:00 pm: “A Better Garden for Next Year” with Sally Cunningham
Sally Cunningham will talk about what to do and what to plant now for a superior 2020 season. Talk includes fixing your soil(compost, pH, and drainage), re-designing your beds (or adding new ones), and what you can still plant now to get a head start. Selected trees, shrubs, perennials, and bulbs will have special pricing–with the accent on natives for pollinator satisfaction!
Sally’s book Buffalo-Style Gardens and future tour information will also be available.