Looking for something different, join a rock and fossil club, the Buffalo Geological Society. While most quarries require kids to be 18, there are some pay to go locations (eg. Herkimer diamonds) and organizations (Penn Dixie for fossils) that younger kids can go. And, while you are in a quarry pounding a way on a rock to get a crystal out, it is really relaxing such as taking a walk in the woods or sailing. And, it’s FUN!!
The rock and fossil show will be on March 19-20, 2022 at the Fairgrounds in Hamburg. Admission is $6, free parking.
It is only $15 a year for an individual to join, and $20 for a family. Can’t beat that price.
Club Activities:
- Monthly meetings featuring guest speakers (October thru April). Meetings are held 100 Lee Street in Buffalo at 7:30pm on the first Friday of the month.
- Club Sponsored field trips to local quarries, and streams. Once you join you will get emails on upcoming field trips (May- Sept).
- Club Sponsored bus trips to places of interest.
- Monthly newsletter to keep members up-to-date on our events as well as activities of other clubs.
- Annual picnic and rock swap.
- Annual Auction.
- Annual Gem, Mineral & Fossil Show at the Erie Cty Fairgrounds in Hamburg (generally same weekend as Plantastia)
- Annual Banquet and installation of Officers.
- Support of local educational organizations.
- Silent auction and potluck supper.