World Naked Bike Ride is June 8 from 8 to 11pm. Check in location announced on the web and by email. The event is bare-as-you-dare; anything from body paint to underwear to fanciful costumes are encouraged. Due to legal restrictions in Chicago, full frontal nudity is at your own risk, but large numbers of participants do go all out. Large-scale body painting is typically available pre-ride, and personal expression is encouraged.

Make sure you read ALL this info.


  1. The Fifteenth World Naked Bike Ride (and skate) Chicago (WNBRCXII) will be the evening of Saturday June 8, 2019 somewhere in Chicago IL. Travel planning hints below.
  2. *** BE CLEAR ON WHAT THIS ISN’T *** WNBR IS a people powered happening bringing radical attention against oil addiction; It’s NOT primarily a naturist party. It IS a big fun ride for able area cyclists; It’s NOT for the frail nor fliers/drivers. It IS an extreme free speech exercise trying to save the planet; It’s NOT MardisGras. If you are distant or uncertain please read more details.
  3. Location is not disclosed until days before based on experience to limit crowding of the creepy variety. Furthermore the announced location is only a check point where next directions are given to verifiable participants on bikes. If you plan to come just to look and hope to bluff your way in, make other plans.
    Check-In has in recent years been after 6pm in the west loop.
  4. Gathering has in recent years been 6-8pm at an undisclosed location. Body painting may be available, but line so long that coming pre-decorated is recommended. Read details.
  5. Person Powered Wheels to pass check-in and no cameras in gathering area are strictly enforced, so if you show up there without bike/skates, or with a camera, and say you didn’t know or that someone said you could, you may be laughed off of the premises.
  6. Ride is about 8pm-11pm. Route is not announced in advance, and maps are not guaranteed. Expect to follow guides, assume round trip. You MUST be capable of over a dozen miles of potentially chilly urban biking.
  7. Recommended viewing point(s) for fans and spectators:
    Suggested viewing points+times and the ride’s progress live will be on on ride day. Also on Twitter as@ChiNakedRideand #WNBRC
    KEEP THE COURSE CLEAR!!! Wave and cheer and applaud from the sides and joy will be multiplied.
  8. Participants bare-as-you-dare; anything from fanciful costumes to body paint to undies are encouraged.
  9. Remember the slogan: “Celebrating freedom from oil, and the beauty of people.”
    Be nice to everyone, and leave no trace. If you can’t be golden don’t come.
  10. Obey police and thank them for their help.Goodies may target ticketing. Bare at your risk.
    National Lawyers Guild monitors: 312-913-0039.