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FREE Wednesday Classical Noon Concerts- May 8, 2019- Chicago

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78 E. Washington Street, Chicago

Wednesday Classical Noon Concerts are at 12:15pm at the Chicago Cultural Center and features solo and ensemble performances of classical music at Preston Bradley Hall. FREE May 8 -Graeme Steele Johnson Clarinet, and Yevgeny Yontov, piano  

$20 Groupon Ticket to the WHO at Keybank Center- May 8, 2019- Buffalo, NY

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Keybank Center, Buffalo, NY

$20 Groupon Ticket to the WHO at Keybank Center on May 8 at 7:30pm – 300 level ticket.

WHO- Pete Townshend and Roger Daltrey- Keybank Center – May 9, 2019- Buffalo, NY

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Keybank Center, Buffalo, NY

WHO- Pete Townshend and Roger Daltrey are at Keybank Center on May 9 at 7:30pm. Tickets run from $67.50 to $333.

FREE-Choir of St. Louis Church Concert at St. Margaret Church- May 9, 2019- Buffalo, NY

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1395 Hertel Avenue, Buffalo, NY

Choir of St. Louis Church Concert on May 9 at 7:30pm at St. Margaret Church, 1395 Hertel Ave. Features works by Bach, Mozart, Farrant, Ouseley, Friedel, Poston and others. FREE

Denver Voting on Decriminalization of Magic Mushrooms- May, 2019

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Denver Voting on Decriminalization of Magic Mushrooms. (Having belonged to several mushroom clubs for fun and culinary experiences, we do NOT recommend magic mushrooms for several reasons: unknown effect on yourself- everyone can have a different experience, and ifRead more

Evening Bird Walk at West Seneca Oxbow- May 10, 2019- Buffalo, NY

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2885 Clinton Street, Buffalo, NY

Evening Bird Walk at West Seneca Oxbow on May 10 from 6pm to 8 pm. Led by Beaver Meadow Audubon. Looking for red-headed woodpeckers and Orchard Orioles.  FREE Meet at Robert Stransky Memorial Complex parking lot off Clinton Street.2885Read more