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Vocalis Chamber Choir Concert- June 2, 2019- Buffalo, NY

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1080 Main St, Buffalo, NY 14209, USA

Vocalis Chamber Choir Concert is June 2 at 4pm at the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 1080 Main Street, Buffalo. Tickets are $15. Vocális presents a unique program of diverse choral colors, both a cappella and accompanied. The choir willRead more

Car and Cycle Show- June 2, 2019- Lancaster, NY

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Central Avenue and Pleasant Street, Lancaster, NY

Car and Cycle Show is June 2 from Noon to 4pm in Lancaster on Central Avenue between Pleasant Ave and Broadway and West Main Street. Registration starts at 9am on Clark Street. Registration forms Features Terry Buckwald from Noon to 4pm,Read more

2019-Taste of Tonawanda– June 2-2019-Tonawanda, NY

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Young Street and Gateway Harbor, Tonawnada, NY

The Taste of Tonawanda is on Sunday, June 2nd from Noon to 7pm on Young Street in the City of Tonawanda. Taste local area restaurants and enjoy live music by NY2LA and Sudden Urge. FREE admission.

Blessing of the Boats at Gateway Harbor – June 2, 2019 – Tonawanda, NY

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Gateway Harbor, Tonawanda, NY

Blessing of the Boats is June 2nd with the parade of boats starting at Noon in the  Niagara River and 12:30pm on the Canal and goes to the Long Homestead area to be blessed.

Hawk Creek Fundraiser on Grand Lady – June 2, 2019- Buffalo, NY

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359 Ganson Street, Buffalo, NY

Hawk Creek Fundraiser on Grand Lady on June 2 from 6:30 to 8:30pm. Tickets are $29.50 (ages 13+only) with a portion going to Hawk Creek. Boarding at 6pm. Cruise along Buffalo  River to Lake Erie and Buffalo Harbor withRead more

Taste of Times Square- Food- Music-Fun – June 3, 2019- New York City

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46th and Broadway Streets, NY, NY

Over 50 restaurants will be featured at the Taste of Time Square on June 3 from 5 to 9pm. It is outdoors and offers live music as well. Free admission with each “taste” ticket costing $1 and dishes range from $2Read more