Queen City Traveling Market- Indoors -Seneca One Tower- March 20, 2023- Buffalo, NY
One Seneca Tower, Buffalo, NY
Queen City Traveling Market- Indoors at Seneca One Tower on March 20, 2023 from 10am to 2pm.One Seneca Tower, Buffalo, NY
Queen City Traveling Market- Indoors at Seneca One Tower on March 20, 2023 from 10am to 2pm.3371 W. Lake Road, Wilson, NY
Native and Invasive Plants Discussion- Wilson-Tuscorora State Park on March 22, 2023 from 10am to Noon. Led by NY State Park Naturalist. FREE but register at 282-5154.This program will focus on how we can avoid invasive plants in ourRead moreGoat Island, Niagara Falls State Park, Niagara Falls, NY
Tree ID Nature Walk at Goat Island on March 22, 2023 from 2pm to 4pm. ID through leaves, bark, twigs and fruit. Led by NY State Park Naturalist. FREE but register at 282-5154.1300 Elmwood Avenue, Buffalo, NY
FREE- Buffalo State Spring Choral Concert is March 23, 2023 at 7:30pm at 1300 Elmwood.278 Main Street, Arcade, NY
Arcade and Attica Railroad- Maple Weekend- March 25-26, 2023 at 9am. Tickets are $48 for adults, $20 for 5-12 and free for 4 and under.Ride the train on our only trip of the year up to North Java, NY. TourRead more7708 Niagara Falls Blvd., Niagara Falls, NY
Casino Night Gala is March 25, 2023 at 6pm at Antonio’s Banquet and Conference Center, 7708 Niagara Falls Blvd., Niagara Falls, NY. This is a fundraiser for construction of an atheltic facility. Tickets are $125.