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January 2020

Snow Tubing at Holiday Valley -March, 2020-Ellicottville, NY

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Route 242 and Bryant Hill Road, Ellicottville, NY

Snow Tubing at Holiday Valley. It is really fun–ok, you rent a tube, there is a lift to the top and down you go screaming all the way. Always check the weather conditions before going. Holiday Valley Snow TubingRead more

Made in America Store- Fleece Jackets and Vests, CBD for Dogs and Cat, Work Gloves-Buffalo, NY

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1000 Maple Road, Elma, NY

Made in America Store where everything is 100 % Made in America including Fleece Vests that are $14.99 and Fleece Jackets are $19.99,CBD for Dogs and Cat, Work Gloves, Sponge Candy, and Buffalo Bills and Sabres Glasses and WigwamRead more

Sledding- Skiing-Snowmobiling- NY State, Erie County and City Parks – Buffalo, NY

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Buffalo, NY

Erie County Parks offer a wide range of fun winter activities including sledding, ice skating, cross country skiing, downhill skiing, snowmobiling, snow boarding and tobagganing. 1. Chestnut Ridge – snowboarding, sledding, tobaggan chutes (2 towers, 4 chutes), cross countryRead more

Ice Skating in Central Park at Wollman or Lasker Rink- March 3 to April 5, 2020- NYC

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59th Street and 6th Avenue, NY, NY

Ice Skating in Central Park at Wollman or Lasker Rink from March 3 to April 5, 2020 Womman Rink– 59th Street and 6th Avenue HOURS Monday 10:00 AM – 2:30 PM Tuesday 10:00 AM – 2:30PM Wednesday 10:00 AM – 10:00 PMRead more