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June 2019

2019-Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure at Riverworks – June 8, 2019– Buffalo, NY

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359 Ganson Street, Buffalo, NY

Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure is June 8 at 10am with a program starting at 8:30am. Held at Riverworks  at 359 Ganson, Buffalo. To register, it is $25 for adults, $15 for kids 6-17 and free for kids 5 andRead more

Allen West Festival – June 8-9, 2019- Buffalo, NY

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Allen and Elmwood Aves., Buffalo, NY

The Allen West Festival is June 8-9 at the same time as the Allentown Art Festival. It features local artists, businesses and restaurants in the area. Saturday – 10am to 7pm, Sunday -10am to 6pm Allen St from Elmwood to WadsworthRead more

Crafts Festival at Lincoln Center-June 8-9, 2019- NYC

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64th Street and Columbus Ave., NY, NY

Crafts Festival at Lincoln Center is  June 8-9, 2019.  FREE Admission. Over 150 juried craft exhibitors plus gourmet specialties to snack on. Park and Lock garage at 62nd and 65th street between Columbus and Amsterdam. Saturday –10am to 7pm SundayRead more

2019-Uncorked at Richmond Town – Staten Island – June 8-2019

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441 Clarke Avenue, Staten Island, NY

Uncorked at Richmond Town in Staten Island features wine tastings and 40 restaurants and chefs at Historic Richmond Town on Staten Island on June 8 from Noon to 4pm. Tickets are $40 on line and Kids $15, Wine Culinary Classes at 1pmRead more

Old Fashioned Street Dance- June 8, 2019- Tonawanda, NY

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Young and Main Street, Tonawanda, NY

Old Fashioned Street Dance on June 8 from 6pm to 10pm at Young Street between Main Street and Delaware Avenue. FREE. Live music by Crash Cadillac, Rockin’ Rebels and Big Wheelie and Hank Nevins.  

Get Outdoors Day at Reinstein Woods-June 8, 2019- Depew, NY

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93 Honorine Drive, Depew, NY

Get Outdoors Day at Reinstein Woods on June 8 featuring geocaching for beginners, birding for beginners, nature hikes, orienteering, rescue team, nature photography, food trucks and more.