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October 2019

Buffalo Choral Arts Concert- October 26, 2019- Buffalo, NY

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3269 Main Street, Buffalo, NY

Buffalo Choral Arts Concert is October 26 at 7:30pm at St. Joseph University Church, 3269 Main Street, Buffalo. Tickets are  $15. BCAS begins its 54th season by welcoming the Amherst Central High School Concert Chorale under the direction ofRead more

Halloween Trick or Treating at Richmond Town – October 26, 2019- Staten Island, NY

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Richmond Town, Staten Island, NY

Halloween Trick or Treating at Richmond Town on October 26 from 3pm to 7pm Kids in costume, bob for apples, make a craft. Tickets are $5 for adults, $8 for kids 4 to 12.

Trick or Treat Hike at Beaver Meadow Audubon- October 26, 2019- North Java, NY

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1610 Welch Road, North Java, NY

Trick or Treat Hike at Beaver Meadow Audubon on October 26 from 6pm to 8pm. Come in full costume – bring the little ones- although anyone can participate. Collect treats as we hike and end up at nature centerRead more

Owl Prowl- October 26, 2019- North Tonawada, NY

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Raymond Avenue and Birch Street, North Tonawanda, NY

Owl Prowl on October 26 from 7pm to 9pm with Beaver Meadow Audubon. Naturalist Tom Kerr leading through Klydell Wetlands in search of Eastern  Screech owls. Waterproof footwear is need. $7, Ages 8+.Meet at the intersection of Raymond AvenueRead more

2019-Wildlife Conservation Film Festival– October 26 and 27, 2019– New York City

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22 East 12th Street and University Place, NY, NY

Wildlife Conservation Film Festival is October 26 and 27, 2019. There are more than 100 documentary films . Most are at the Cinema Village Theater, 22 East 12th Street & University Place, NYC. Tickets are $15 in advance and $20Read more

Amazing Maize Maze at Queens County Farm Museum –October 26, 2019- Floral Park, NY

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73-50 Little Neck Parkway, Queens, NY

Amazing Maize Maze at Queens County Farm Museum is October 26. Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for kids 4-11, ages 3 and under are free. Tickets at the door at $15 and $8. The Pumpkin Patch is open andRead more