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Bird Kingdom- 400 Birds- Niagara Falls, Ontario Canada

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5651 River Road, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada

Bird Kingdom is a five minute walk from Niagara Falls. There are 400 birds flying free in a tropical rainforest with a 40 foot waterfall. There is also a small bird aviary where over 40 species of smaller birdsRead more

Museums, Aquarium of Niagara, Buffalo Zoo and Buffalo Botanical Gardens are Open- 2025- Buffalo, NY

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Buffalo, NY

Museums, Aquarium of Niagara the Buffalo Zoo and Buffalo Botanical Gardens Are Open. Aquarium of Niagara–  Tickets are$25 for adults, $23 for seniors 60+, $18 for kids 3-12 . NEW- Shark and Ray Bay. 701 Whirlpool Street, Niagara Falls.Monday thruRead more

Buffalo and Erie County Naval and Militiary Park

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One Naval Park Cove, Buffalo NY

Come and check out the USS Little Rock, USS Croaker, and the USS The Sullivans at the Buffalo and Erie County Naval and Military Park. It is $10 for adults, $6 for kids and seniors (2021 prices). Open fromRead more

Museum of Illusions- Toronto, Canada

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132 Front Street East, Toronto, Canada

Museum of Illusions featuring interactive displays with over 80 illusions, holograms, installations and exhibits. There is a Smart Playroom for all ages. Tickets are $25.50 Canadian for adults with tax, $19.50 for kids up to 15.In US dollars thatRead more