Buffalo Philharmonic With Joanne Falletta at Beyond Van Gogh on September 27, 2021 with doors open at 6:30pm, concert from 7:30pm to 8pm, private viewing from 8 to 8:30pm. 4545 Transit Road at Eastern Hills Mall.

Tickets are –are you ready- $250 for 30 minute concert but you get $100 off if you have already seen the exhibit- use promo code- BPOVANGOGH. Ok, it is a fundraiser….


JoAnn Falletta, conductor

SATIE/arr. Debussy  Gymnopedie: Lent et douloureaux
DEBUSSY/arr. Caplet  Clair de Lune
DEBUSSY/arr. Fradiani  Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun
FAURE  Pavane
RAVEL  Pavane for a Dead Princess