Covid Outbreaks in Suburban and Rural Areas as of November 25, 2020 with Amherst having 36.8%, Eden, Irving, Wales, Holland and North Collins above 10%. In most cases, it is members of the same household. Please re-think your Thanksgiving plans today.

First, Stay Home…you get the leftovers then to freeze.

Second, Think about offering take home meals instead of a gathering. Do you want to the ONE that infects a family member or friend? Or worse, kill them?

Third, if you insist on going, disinfect your hands before you enter (and again before you return to your own home –in the car). If you are the host, have a sanitizer pump inside the front door for everyone to use. Have wipes that people can use on toilet flush and sink handles when they use the bathroom

Fourth, do arm bumps rather than hugs and try to stay apart.

Fifth, locate those at most risk far away from those with the least risk. And, far away from the ones that refuse to wear masks, don’t think it will affect them, or the nobody is going to tell me what to do types and basically only care about themselves.

Sixth, if your gathering gets infected, it affects the entire community. Red zone designation will close small businesses that depend on December as their major revenue source. Act responsibly.