Cuomo is allowing 6700 Fans into Bills Stadium for Playoff Game in January (9th or 10th) in Buffalo. Mandatory testing of fans prior to game, contact tracing after the game.  All attendees MUST test negative for covid before being admitted into the stadium. TICKETS go on Sale December 31 and will be available to season ticketholders who had purchased tickets earlier in 2020.

A $63 fee for testing will be factored into the ticket costs – there will be drive-thru testing in the stadium’s parking lots. Fans must wear mask and maintain social distancing during the game and tailgating prior to the game is banned.

6200 Fans can buy tickets and another 500 tickets have been set aside for team sponsors and family members. Everybody must test negative for covid.

Cuomo said the game is an experiment to see if rapid testing can reopen parts of the economy in coming months. Results in 20 minutes.