Get Me Rover Stone Movie on Netflix is timely so check it out. His influence on President Trump is interesting. Whatever your politics, interesting to watch. Here is what Trump learned:

  1. The Power of Disinformation (now referred to by Trump as fake news)
  2. The Only Thing Worse in Politics Than Being Wrong is Being Boring. Stone is NOT boring.
  3. What’s in the public domain is fair game.
  4. Deny,  Deny, Deny
  5. Nothing is on the level
  6. Think Big, Be Big
  7. Better to be Infamous than Never Being Famous at All
  8. Roger and  Wife advertised for sex in 1996
  9. Supposedly brought down NY Gov. Spitzer by rumors that he had sex with socks on and that Obama was not born an American (disinformation)
  10. Think disinformation, lobbyist growth and PACS – can’t give more than $5000 to a candidate but PACS can pay for their advertising with no limitations attached.
  11. Check out this video –