Arctic Man Under the Ice runs from February 5, 2023 from 2pm to 9pm at 6929 Williams Road, Niagara Falls, NY .Explore the world of the Canadian Arctic and observe it through the lens of world-renowned diver, filmmaker, and photographer Mario Cyr.

Having gone today not worth the money or drive and you are better off watching Planet Earth on Netflix, Prime or other channel.

  • Cross paths with polar bears, walruses, narwhals, sea angels, and large marine mammals.
  • Learn about the team’s expedition base camp, diving equipment, and the challenges they faced.
  • Virtual dive under the ice with Mario Cyr in a breathtaking 360-degree projection space.

Tickets are $25  for seniors, $29 for adults, $25 for kids 5-17 and free for kids 4 and under. Timed admission.