Birding at Batavaia Wastewater Treatment Plant on October 17, 2021 at 9am. Open to public. Confirm with Leader Doug Beattie (585) 356-3007

Meet at the operations center at 9 AM. The facility is located at the end of IndustrialBlvd, which is off Pearl St. (Rte 33) at the western edge of the city of Batavia. Doug Beattie will again lead our
group through the famous wastewater treatment plant.

This complex is a bonafide birding hotspot and has attracted such gems as Northern Wheatear, Harlequin Duck, Piping Plover and Eared Grebe. Last year a Neotropical Cormorant was found at this location along with a Laughing Gull. This will be a 1/2 day trip wrapping up around 1230-1. Bring snacks and a beverage! You will want to bring your spotting scope if you own one as many birds are out in the middle of the settling ponds. This trip is by personal automobile for most of the
time, getting out occasionally to scope for waterfowl and/or shorebirds.