The Boston Mycological Club from November through April, the club has month talks and workshops on various aspects of mycology (mushrooms).  The club does not publish its program schedule unless you are a member. But, it only costs $20 to become a member for individuals and $25 for a Family membership.

Membership Secretary
Boston Mycological Club
48 Vinal Avenue #2
Somerville, MA 02143

Don’t be intimidated by the tech talk and latin names–this is terrific  fun to collect and eat (always go with a group-don’t rely on a book) mushrooms.

Weekly Forays
Weekly walks, or forays, are held on Sunday
mornings or afternoons during the mushroom
season, July through Octo
ber. Members collect
mushrooms, then gather around to discuss and
identify what has been found.
Weekly Meetings
Every Monday evening following a weekend foray,
an identification meeting is held in the Club room.
Mushrooms are brought in, examined and
discussed. A list is kept of all the mushrooms
found each week.
Lectures & Courses
The BMC sponsors a fall program of mushroom
identification classes. During the winter, monthly
programs feature special lectures or other
mushroom-related activities.
Special Field Trips
From time to time, special weekend or overnight
trips are planned to search for mushrooms in
different areas.
Spring Culinary
In the spring, members gather for a potluck dinner
where all are encouraged to show off their recipes
for mushrooms.
Fall Banquet
A special banquet celebrates the end of the
mushroom season, often with a guest mycologist
The BMC publishes and sends a quarterly
newsletter,”The Bulletin,” to all members. It
contains stories and tidbits of information about
events and things mycological.
The Club’s excellent collection of mushroom
books is kept in the Club room to help with
identification. Microscopes are also available.