Cancelled-Buffalo Ornithological Society Field Trip with Rochester birding Association to Braddock Bay Hawk Watch  on April 26, 2020 at 9:30am at the parking lot at the park. David Gordon leads- questions call 390-1429.

Weather permitting, we will indulge in the spectacle of spring hawk migration from the hawkwatch platform. The bay should also have good numbers of waterfowl and the nearby woods may hold new arrival passerines. If owls are present, a short trip to Owl Woods will also enliven the day! Last year’s trip saw two Long-eared Owls!

This is a full day trip so bring drinks, lunch, snacks, sunscreen and a chair (for hawk watching). Bathrooms are available at the park. Be aware that a lake breeze can develop this time of year which is a cool/cold breeze out of the north compliments of Lake Ontario. Dress appropriately.