Governor Cuomo is ready to take down the Buffalo Skyway with federal approval and replace it with a “spectacular park overlooking Lake Erie.” Sounds good, BUT what about the 46,000 cars that travel the Skyway each day. He planning to do this also with the Albany Skyway.

Help Keep the Skyway from Being Torn Down in Buffalo, NY 

While there are public DOT meetings getting input on the 25 options to remove the Skyway, at the end of the day we know it will be more likely to be a political decision vs. public decision. However, the public CAN and HAVE impacted the politicians’ viewpoints.

The two politicians:

Representative Brian Higgins

Call-Phone-716- 852-3501 or 202-225-3306 (Washington DC)

Write- 726 Exchange Street, #601, Buffalo, NY 14210


Governor Andrew Cuomo

Call – Phone – 518-474-8390

Write- Governor Andrew Cuomo, Capital Building, Albany, NY 12224


Traffic is a MAJOR problem for most cities in the US. The vitality a city is dependent on traffic flow and  Buffalo should be doing everything to increase traffic flow, not hinder it. The DOT is charged with coming up with a plan for the 46,000 vehicles that use the Skyway between the Southtowns and  downtown Buffalo and I-190. And that is 46,000 today, are the new plans going to accommodate 66,000 or more vehicles in the future?

Having gone to the DOT meeting, NONE of the alternatives leave the Skyway up and incorporate some of the proposals offered in the 25 options offered by the DOT. They either leave the Skyway up or take it down–none leave the Skyway up and incorporate some of the other 25 ideas. The goal would have been to do everything to enhance traffic flow for future growth of vehicles as well as when the Skyway is closed due to weather issues. When asked the DOT said-“that is another study”.

Mr. Higgins continues to champion taking the total Skyway down and continues to ignore the impact on traffic flow. Has Mr. Higgins experienced the traffic jams already on I-190 when the Skyway was closed due to repairs in 2019? A mile of traffic.

Mr. Higgins’ contends that our roadways were designed for a different era and ride sharing, car pooling and autonomous vehicles will change commuting in the future. This ignores the implications for commercial traffic and Canadian usage and that people like to drive in their own cars.

Mr. Higgin’s viewpoint is that synchronized traffic signals will be able to offer smooth traffic flow is beyond optimistic and does NOT take into consideration that these streets he wants to do this on are IN NEIGHBORHOODS, unlike the Skyway.

Mr. Higgin’s contends that his plan would cost $140 million, meanwhile we just spent $30 million for Skyway repairs (2018 to 2020), part of the $100 million to extend usage over the next 20 years or more. Even the developers are NOT for taking down the Skyway- Ellicott Development Co, Schneider Development and Ciminelli think money would be well spent elsewhere.

Do you recall when they were just repairing the Skyway how backed up traffic was on I-190. Taking it down will also impact commercial traffic from Canada. Cuomo doesn’t really care, he just wants Higgins off his back….

So,  if you are for leaving the SKYWAY up and also enhancing traffic flow by incorporating some of the ideas presented in the 25 DOT alternatives, contact  Representative Brian Higgins or  Governor Cuomo today.