Music Concerts at Buffalo Outer Harbor run from May 29 to July 10, 2022. They are now $29.50 with fees. Learn more and get tickets.  Remember when you saw T-Pain at Canalside for $10, well now you get to pay three times as much.

May 29 – T-Pain

June 2- Jimmie Allen

June 24- Ja  Rule

July 7 – Moe

July 10- Taking Back Sunday

July 23- Nas – cancelled

Remember when concerts were FREE and then they moved to Canalside and were $5, and then we terminated the contract with the promoters and Rich products created Be Our Guest and then the concerts were $10. And, you could explore performers you didn’t know for a reasonable price.

Well, now there appear to be no concerts at Canalside (what a bummer THAT IS) and they are now at the Outer Harbor and $29.50 with fees ($24+). So, one of the great venues is now deader than a door nail. The city owns the property at Canalside and at times wanted to build condos there. Then they chopped it up some with the Carrousel and Maritime Shed (beautifully done but not a public draw). So, now the excitement in the city is Chippewa, Hertel, and parts of Elmwood Ave. Not developing Canalside as a huge draw to the city  we view as a huge mistake. The Outer Harbor has a different feel to it and a different demographic.

So, if you don’t want to shell out $29.50- there is the Queen City Concert, a few concerts in MLK Park, plus Seneca One, Bidwell, River Fest,  Music on Main in Williamsville, Veteran’s Park, Niawanda Concerts, Larkin Square, Wilson Concerts, plus EA Music Fest, free BPO Concerts.