FREE. Penn Dixie Earth Science Day is October 6 from 9am to 4pm. FREE Fossil Collecting.

Interactive exhibits and demonstrations in a family-friendly setting. Experience hands-on learning under the big tent from groups like The Buffalo Zoo, Botanical Gardens, Hamburg Library, Reinstein Woods, SUNY Buffalo Geology Department, Past & Present Rock Shop

New This Year: The Cass Project brings two art programs to Penn Dixie on Earth Science Day! “Eco-Printing” with Emma Percy will be added to our exhibitor tent. This drop-in workshop will explore a variety of simple techniques for making prints and drawings with plants. Using inks and the pigments within the plants themselves, each visitor can create a unique piece of artwork to take home with them.

Separately, our inaugural Artist-in-Residence, Bonnie Rush, will offer guided tours of her Trilobite Labyrinth project at 10 am, 12 pm and 2 pm. Tours — which require a 1/4 mile round trip hike — will originate at the Cass Project table under the big tent.