Excitement, followed by indecision, followed by death – decision making in Buffalo. Once AGAIN, there will be a meeting on Route 33 to restore the Humboldt Parkway community on November 13 from 6pm- 8pm at the Buffalo Museum of Science.Their goal, according to a recent press release, is to share the “2 finalist proposals to reunite the community by covering the ‘bathtub’ portion of the Rt. 33 Kensington Expressway.” Didn’t we study this before and paid a consulting firm $6 million?

The decision in 2016 to spend $6 million on a consulting firm to provide an environmental assessment and detailed cost analysis of different options (which has not been completed)to cover ¾ of a mile of Route 33 (from Best Street to Ferry Street) to create a park to bring the community back together. In 2012 LaBella Associates study indicated that the cost if executed would be $574 million.No funding source for construction of any proposed alternatives has currently been identified. No further studies are planned at this time.

 The $6 million for the study should have been spent on jobs in lower income communities.

Learn more about LaBella study

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