FREE. Summer Solstice at Socrates Sculpture Park on June 21 from 5pm to 8pm.

Art-making workshops and activities from The Noguchi Museum, Free Style Arts Association, and The Blue Bus Project, and join storyteller Satya Celeste to transform the grove of trees into a communal art piece.

Youth performances from 696 Build Queensbridge, and Secret Society Dance Company choreographed by Traequan Middleton representing Astoria Houses’ HANAC Cornerstone.

Afterwards, catch Queens native and vocal artist STEFA*’s powerful sonic layering and vocal improvisations, followed by an all women drum ensemble Batalá New York’s high-energy Afro-Brazilian rhythms.

At sunset, gather around the hill for Urban Shaman Mama Donna’s annual waterfront Solstice ritual uniting all in reverence and positive energy.