Beer Garden Concerts at Riverworks – Fridays and Sundays- 2019- Buffalo, NY
359 Ganson Street, Buffalo, NY
Beer Garden Concerts at Riverworks on Fridays from 6pm to 9pm and Sundays from 1pm to 4pm. September 1- Midnight Kings359 Ganson Street, Buffalo, NY
Beer Garden Concerts at Riverworks on Fridays from 6pm to 9pm and Sundays from 1pm to 4pm. September 1- Midnight Kings1000 Lake Cook Road, Glencoe, Illinois
Carillon Concerts at Chicago Botanic Gardens when you can meet the performers and enjoy a free carillon tour and demonstration before the concert from 5:30 to 6:30 and the concerts start at 7pm-8pm. The tours are every 15 minutes. FREERead more49th Street and Rockefeller Plaza, NY, NY
Today Show FREE Concerts on mornings and viewing is on a first come, first served basis outside the Today’s Show studio at 49th Street and Rockefeller Plaza. Learn how to go for FREE. September 2- Why Don’t WeBattery Park, NY, NY
Lobster and Beer on Clipper City Tall Ship on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays and departs at 7pm in August and in September and October, departs at 6pm. 2 hrs. Tickets are $98 and $69 for kids 13 and under andRead more249 Ohio St, Buffalo, NY 14204, USA
River Fest Park Concert Series on September 4, 2019 from 6:30pm to 10pm featuring Hit N’RunPier 40, NY, NY
Friday Night Sunset Happy Hour Cruises On Serenity Yacht at Pier 40. 21+ Tickets are $30 to cruise, $17 more for buffet. Views of State of Liberty, Empire State Building, Chrysler Blds, and Freedom Tower. DJ, cash bar. Boarding 6:30 PM,Departing 7:30Read more