See A Sample Ballot Before You Vote in Erie County, NY – November 8, 2022. You put your name and birthday and you can see the ballot BEFORE you vote. Get the Sample Ballot.

By the way, while we support most measures of the Environmental Bond Act, we can not really suport it in its current form. It provides funding for the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act which has goals of reducing greenhouse emmission 40% by 2030 and 85% by 2050. 70% of the state’s electricity must come from renewable sources by 2030 and all electricity must come from renewables by 2040. No new natural gas appliances for home heading, cooking, water heating and clothes drying beginning in 2030.

So, (1) supply of electricity, (2) cost to replace gas appliances, (3) supply of new electric appliances, (4) manpower to convert.  Plus there are monies from 1996 unspent from a previous environmental bond act. There is a need to have individual bonds for key aspects of this bill. Evolution, not revolution…ie a better plan for energy conversion. We are heading into a recession–some of these measures are critically needed while others – green roofs, wind turbines in public low income housing areas (vs. where the wind is the strongest), zero emission school buses, wind turbines (to date not terribly efficient and putting them in Lake Erie is a terrible idea), etc.

Details of what the bond would fund.

More Details of the Bond Act