Why We Are Against the Kensington Expressway Tunnel Project from BoredomMD.com-March, 2025
By BoredomMD Total Views : 1787 Daily Views : 3Why We Are Against the Kensington Expressway Tunnel Project that has the defined purpose to reconnect the community defined as Route 33/Kensington Express and Humboldt Parkway between Best Street and Sidney Street which is approximately 4/5 of a mile. It is supposed to start in 2025 and last 3-4 years.
As of November 15, 2024 a judge has placed the project on hold to consider environmental impacts. Good as we believe there are much better ways to improve the quality of life in the community.
As for federal approval (and that was for environmental protection)- the Federal government is only funding $55 Million of this Billion Dollar project and that is before the famous Overuns. According to the Associated Press the Bills stadium was nearly $300 million in overuns which brought the total to $1.7 Billion –but the agreeement states that the Bills are responsible for any additional costs over the $1.4 billion agreement. Now as of November, the project is more than $560 Million in overruns which Pegula is responsible for and the project is NORTH of $2.1 Billion. Who pays for the overuns on this project????
Overall, we believe that it will not improve the life of the majority of the people in the Kensington community, it will create a traffic nightmare for years- impacting not only Route 33 but I-90, I-290 and I-190 and international traffic as well. As for the Buffalo Museum of Science….well…
- A park covering the Kensington- with 3 feet of dirt- what tree is going to grow in that –so we are talking small bushes and small trees at best. Maintenance???? Cost of it???
- Healthwise- tunnels and piping out fumes—not going to be any better than now.
- Snow removal- pushed into tunnel- sitting water or ice? Will it flood due to angle?
- If you want to help the community (which we do), there are more effective, less costly ways to do it including:
- Jobs- not air conditioner maintenance, but more leading edge jobs. Since covid, there are many more jobs you can do at home. This eliminates the commute (and cost of car/use) and can be color blind, age blind, etc. Money for start-ups- eg. store selling pre-owned unlocked cell phones.
- Youtube- do you know how much money you can make FROM and on youtube. Have a studio and personnel for filming. Check it out. A woman in Western Washington state has a garden youtube and makes over $180,000 from youtube.Youtube- Potential Income Generation
- FREE wifi for the east side of the city- during covid the lack of wifi was apparent. Leads to all kinds of opportunities- jobs, education, healthcare, etc.
- Get a group of people to brainstorm ideas—not just local but nationally. Software, marketing, promotion, social media, healthcare, etc. Definitely not just those in Buffalo (having lived across the country from NYC, Chicago, Seattle, Dallas, etc. you need ideas from everywhere)
- Healthcare- vans that have a schedule that can bring healthcare to people.
- Subsidized child care- how can you make $15 an hour and pay $15 an hour for child care? And as for a tax credit of $1700 (even if you don’t owe any tax), at $15 an hour for child care x 35 hrs of week- $525 per week for child care. So the tax credit would pay for three weeks.
- Education- on-line education for high school students…potentially another way to reduce drop out rates and improve safety. Make it Fun and Relevant. This is particularly an issue with black and Hispanic students. Develop computer games. Make math –probability of outcomes. Existing videogames and ones they develop.
- Education in workplace. Allow students to earn money while they get their HS diploma. Help repair or build a house- but with instruction as they do it. They get paid and learn a skill.
- Healthcare- LPN and Nursing- just out of college a RN, first job- $90,000 at ECMC. Growth category – scholarships for those who have desire and skill level.
- Once people get a job, then offer low cost home loans. Jobs are key.
- Get HS drop outs and those about to drop out- focus groups- what jobs would they be interested in? Are there family issues where the state can put money to solve?
- FREE Day care for those seeking employment.If you are not very high paying, day care costs more than you make. And, then if you do this, there will be jobs for those providing the day care.
- Bottom Line- Covering the Kensington is too costly, will create a traffic nightmare- already the 33 has back ups on I-90, this will back up I-90, I-290, I-190. The city will be paralyzed. The Science Museum might as well close their doors. Businesses in the city will suffer because those in the suburbs will not come into town. Commuters will go nuts. And, most of all it is not a good use of money to help a community which should get a MAJOR investment.
Posted April, 2024, updated monthly
1 Comment
Janice, December 16, 2024 at 9:04 AM
I love the suggestions in this article. It’s about time we in this city and county truly work for its citizens. Covering the 33 has no benefits for the area that I can see. It will never restore Humboldt Parkway to its former glory. The project will be another ongoing disaster zone! To what end? Who makes these decisions anyway? The 10 + year transit project (which some called the train to nowhere) drove out countless businesses along its route. Some called it progress! At what expense? Money could be better spent to benefit needy residents. Just my opinion.